Friday 13 March 2015

86-Square-Foot Apartment in Paris

How it feel to live in a 86 square foot apartment? This question may be is the most frequently asked to the owner of perhaps the worlds smallest apartment in Paris, France.

In some parts of the world, house has lost its several functions. In the old days (it is still in now days off course) big house is preferable, since a house also can be a place which has social or family gathering function. A house also became a status symbol that everyone will see and admire. Nowadays, in the big cities where the price of land and properties is skyrockets and the business which force the people to work outside their house almost all day long which made them stay at their house 8 or 10 hours or even less in a day. Also the people tend to spend the weekends traveling or hang out with friend in a bar or restaurant. So, for a single or for a busy working couple in a big city a house often only became a place to sleep and rest after long days in the office, so the choice to have small apartment is one of the option.

The best thing to have this small apartment are because the price is cheaper (the main reason why we love this apartment), it cost less (since you will need less energy for AC/heater, lighting, etc) and you'll need less time and energy to clean and maintain it.

Small apartment is not always cramped if you able to play with the available space to make your tiny apartment feel spacious. The video of  this tiny 86-Square-Foot Apartment in Paris is for your inspiration if you want to build this small but beautiful apartment but I will not recommend this for you who has claustrophobia.

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