Wednesday 28 September 2011

Hexagon 2x2 White Marble TUMBLE Mosaics Meshed on Sheet Tiles

Hexagon 2x2 White Marble TUMBLE Mosaics Meshed on Sheet Tiles

2x2 Hexagon White Marble Tumble Mosaics Meshed on 10.75 x 10.75 Sheet Tiles for Kitchen Backsplash, Shower Walls, Bathroom Floor. Each tile is one square foot. We also Carry Pencil and Chairrail listellos. Travertine has inherent unfilled holes. We also carry onyx mosaics in Gold, Red and Green Onyx in color. Purchase directly from the manufacturer and save. Give us a call and talk to our designers about your project. We offer discounts to Designers, Builder, Contractors and Architects. These tiles can be simply cut with a household scissors into any pattern so you can use them as you like. Discount on product and shipping is available for all orders over 100 tiles. Please note: Usage: Walls, countertops, backsplash, shower walls, foyer and flooring (subject to job specification).


The Water Stone Faucet

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